Approximately 50% of the population when exposed to Poison Ivy will have a reaction. And annually it is estimated that between 25-45 million Americans have to seek medical treatment after poison ivy exposure. So here are a few facts about poison ivy and a few fictions that we can hopefully clear up for you. FACT: You can use a barrier … Read More
You all may have seen the recent headlines regarding consumption of diet soda and risk of dementia and stroke. If not then click here to read the story. For years Americans have focused on realizing that sugary drinks are not our friend due to calories and risk for diabetes and obesity. This has caused us to shift our focus often … Read More
Stay Connected with your Primary Care Provider via Video Chats
It’s 6 pm on Friday. Your 3 year old little boy started running a 102 fever, and has a runny nose and slight cough. Do you load him up along with your other children and head to urgent care before they close at 8 pm or can you wait out the weekend and possibly get in on Monday with your … Read More
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