
I recently spoke to a group of awesome mommas (AKA Branson MOPS AM) about fever in their kids. I think with the dreaded flu being so rampant right now it’s a perfect time to address fever and how to properly treat it. First of all, all you mommas out there stop fearing fever. Fever is a great thing. It’s the … Read More

Poison Ivy: Facts & Fiction


Approximately 50% of the population when exposed to Poison Ivy will have a reaction. And annually it is estimated that between 25-45 million Americans have to seek medical treatment after poison ivy exposure. So here are a few facts about poison ivy and a few fictions that we can hopefully clear up for you. FACT: You can use a barrier … Read More

Stay Connected with your Primary Care Provider via Video Chats

Tri-LakesNews, Video

It’s 6 pm on Friday. Your 3 year old little boy started running a 102 fever, and has a runny nose and slight cough. Do you load him up along with your other children and head to urgent care before they close at 8 pm or can you wait out the weekend and possibly get in on Monday with your … Read More